Developer, Dad, AI enthusiast, passionate learner, tech geek.

Hey there, welcome to my place on the web. I have soo many open projects that I wanted to share portions of it, or at least some experiences when I remember to do so. AI has dominated my mind in the past year, and I shifted my life to start learning, using and exploring a lot more AI related tech. I like the concepts of Agents with multimodality abilities like, Text, Audio, Video, Image, whatever, I did a project on those. Even opened a company to start working with AI.

My Top Skills
Recent Projects
PEB - Prêmio Esports Brasil

PEB - Prêmio Esports Brasil

Using Strapi and NextJS, Prêmio Esports Brasil, the oscars esports award in Brazil, was able to create a website that is able to handle a large amount of traffic, 1M votes and easy to maintain.

Transcriber Pal, Take your audios, make them write.

Transcriber Pal, Take your audios, make them write.

A CLI application that transcribes audio and video files to text using artificial intelligence.

Ana Macedo Advocacia - A landing page for a law firm!

Ana Macedo Advocacia - A landing page for a law firm!

Designed and developed a landing page for a law firm. The project was developed using NextJS and TailwindCSS.

IN8 Shop - A shop that display products from multiple providers!

IN8 Shop - A shop that display products from multiple providers!

This fullstack project was created to demonstrate my skills with Node and Flutter.

FlutterNodeJsTypeScriptMongoDBClean Architecture