
PEB - Prêmio Esports Brasil

PEB - Prêmio Esports Brasil

Using Strapi and NextJS, Prêmio Esports Brasil, the oscars esports award in Brazil, was able to create a website that is able to handle a large amount of traffic, 1M votes and easy to maintain.

Transcriber Pal, Take your audios, make them write.

Transcriber Pal, Take your audios, make them write.

A CLI application that transcribes audio and video files to text using artificial intelligence.

Ana Macedo Advocacia - A landing page for a law firm!

Ana Macedo Advocacia - A landing page for a law firm!

Designed and developed a landing page for a law firm. The project was developed using NextJS and TailwindCSS.

IN8 Shop - A shop that display products from multiple providers!

IN8 Shop - A shop that display products from multiple providers!

This fullstack project was created to demonstrate my skills with Node and Flutter.

FlutterNodeJsTypeScriptMongoDBClean Architecture
OmegaSec - A landing page for a security infra company!

OmegaSec - A landing page for a security infra company!

This project was created to be taught in a workshop that I mentored.

ReactStyled ComponentsTypescript
Solar - Solar energy information page!

Solar - Solar energy information page!

Page made to show information about solar energy company.

ReactNextJSStyled ComponentsFramer MotionReact Router
N1 Rush - A gaming storefront!

N1 Rush - A gaming storefront!

Developed a gaming storefront to a challenge proposed by a company.

Be The Hero - Project developed during the OmniStack Week!

Be The Hero - Project developed during the OmniStack Week!

Developed a project to help NGOs to find people to help them. My first React Native project!

ReactReact NativeNodeJsExpoJestExpressSQLiteknex
Finans - Finance webpage!

Finans - Finance webpage!

Page made while I was learning web development.

Spotify - Clone of the Spotify webpage!

Spotify - Clone of the Spotify webpage!

Clone of the Spotify webpage.

Parallax - Parallax effect using HTML, CSS and JS!

Parallax - Parallax effect using HTML, CSS and JS!

Parallax effect using HTML, CSS and JS.
